Starting the engine from the battery of another car


Use only special auxiliary cables for electronics as an auxiliary wire, they will protect the electronic components of your Focus from dangerous power surges.

Stages of work

Drive the support vehicle as close as possible to the dead battery. The auxiliary cable must be conveniently placed between the two batteries.

In the car in need of assistance, turn off all current consumers.

In the first step, connect the positive poles with the red auxiliary cable. Always connect a discharged battery first and then a charged battery.

Then connect the black auxiliary wire to the negative poles of both batteries. If the wire is not long enough, use a reliable ground connection in the engine compartment.

Start the engine in the assist vehicle, let it run at medium speed. In this case, the alternator is already supplying sufficient voltage.

Start the vehicle with the dead battery. If the engine does not start immediately, after several attempts, pause all the time. Otherwise, the starter may overheat. In pauses, the voltage between the batteries is already equalized. As long as the partner's engine is running, it does not harm the starter battery.

As soon as the engine starts, disconnect the black auxiliary wire at the negative pole of the empty battery first and then at the pole of the full battery with the engine running. Do the same with the red wire.

Charge an empty battery at slightly increased rpm for the first 30 km.

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