Features of the ignition switch design The ignition switch (lock) with a mechanical locking device and an electrical contact part is located on the right side of the steering column under the steering wheel....
Checking the ignition switch (lock) The ignition switch is checked for correct contact closure in different key positions and for the anti-theft device operation. To check the contact group, use a tester...
Replacing the ignition switch (lock) contact group You will need a Phillips-head screwdriver. 1. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery. 2. Remove the top… 3. …and the lower part of the steering...
Replacing the ignition switch cylinder You will need: a flat-blade screwdriver, a ∅ 2 mm pin. 1. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery. 2. Remove the top… 3. …and the lower part of the...
Removing and installing the ignition switch (lock) The ignition switch (lock) is mounted on the steering column and secured with two bolts with self-cutting heads, so to replace it, you need to remove the bolts with a...