Car engine ignition system Ford Escort 5

Technical specifications
Technical specifications
Ignition coil Minimum voltage on the secondary winding - 37.0 kV Resistance of the primary winding of the ignition coil - 0.50 ±0.05 Ohm Ignition system Cylinder firing...

General information
General information
The main components of the ignition system include the ignition switch, battery, crankshaft speed and position sensor, ignition unit, ignition coil, low-voltage...

Checking the ignition system
Checking the ignition system
If the engine turns over with the starter but does not start, disconnect the high-tension wire from any spark plug and connect it to an additional good spark plug, the...

Ignition coil
Ignition coil
Examination Check that full battery voltage is being supplied to the center terminal of the ignition coil. Disconnect the electrical connector from the coil. Using an...

Ignition unit for engines with carburetor
Ignition unit for engines with carburetor
Removal The ignition unit is located on the left wing of the engine compartment. Remove the negative terminal from the battery. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the block...

Ignition unit on the fuel injection system
Ignition unit on the fuel injection system
Removal The ignition unit is located on the left wing of the engine compartment. Remove the negative terminal from the battery. Disconnect the connector from the unit....

Crankshaft angle sensor
Crankshaft angle sensor
Remove the negative terminal from the battery. Raise the front of the vehicle and support it on stands. On Zetec and Zetec-E engines, remove the starter. Press the lock...

Escort 5 
Escort 4 
Escort 3