Vehicle heating and ventilation system Ford Focus Turnier 1

General information about heating and ventilation
General information about heating and ventilation
Part of the oncoming air flow enters the cabin through the ventilation grille in front of the windshield. On its way into the cabin, fresh air passes through dust...

Periodic check of heating and ventilation
Periodic check of heating and ventilation
Check the climate in your Focus from time to time. Dust particles, street dirt, insects or falling autumn leaves can eventually clog the air ducts and the standard dust...

Help with heating system malfunctions
Help with heating system malfunctions
Help with heating system malfunctions

Removing the heating and ventilation control module
Removing the heating and ventilation control module
Dismantling Disconnect the battery ground cable. Securely raise the front of the vehicle. Open the coolant expansion tank cap. Open the coolant drain valve and drain the...

Air blower — general information
Air blower — general information
In all Focus models, air exchange in the cabin is supported by a four-stage radial air blower. The blower is rationally installed in front of the heating heat exchanger...

Troubleshooting the Air Blower
Troubleshooting the Air Blower
If the supercharger does not operate in any of the switch positions, first check fuse 64 (auxiliary fuse box in the engine compartment). If the fuse is OK, check the...

Replacing the air blower motor
Replacing the air blower motor
A skilled amateur can replace the supercharger motor himself. Remove the left trim at the feet, as when removing the heat exchanger. Disconnect the ventilation hose at...

Dismantling the heating/AC control unit
Dismantling the heating/AC control unit
Disconnect the battery. Remove the radio/cassette player and (if applicable) the CD player. Remove the heating/air conditioning control. Disconnect seven connectors in...

Removing the air circulation flap servomotor
Removing the air circulation flap servomotor
Open and remove the glove box from the hooks. Remove the servomotor (arrow) by disconnecting the connector and unscrewing the three bolts. Dismantling the servomotor...

Removing the cables on the air distributor
Removing the cables on the air distributor
Disconnect the battery. Remove the radio/cassette player and (if applicable) the CD player. Remove the decorative control panel (heating/AC). Remove the trim at the...

Focus 2 
Focus Turnier 1 
Focus 1