Troubleshooting in the blower


If the blower does not work in any of the switch positions, first check fuse 64 (box with additional fuses in the engine compartment).

If the fuse is OK, check the blower switch. To do this, dismantle the control module as described above.

Check if there is voltage at the pins of the multi-pin connector. If not, also check the lead wire starting from the fuse box.

In the next step, check the switch for continuity in all positions. To do this, connect a multimeter.

It is better to replace a faulty switch; from experience, repair does not make sense.

But if the switch is OK, then in the next step, check the ground connection of the blower motor.

If there is no defect, then the blower motor itself is faulty (graphite contacts burned, armature windings baked).

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