Interior (internal elements) Ford Focus Turnier 1

General information about the car interior
General information about the car interior
Ford is not only relying on alternative lines in the Focus – the interior also follows the design language of the new, refined design. With the longest wheelbase of any...

Switches in the car interior
Switches in the car interior
The Focus has different types of switches. To the right and left of the steering column, the control levers for the steering column switches protrude from the trim. The...

Ignition key coding
Ignition key coding
The original key codes spare keys or a maximum of eight duplicates. The system is not serviceable. The following points must be completed within five seconds each: Turn...

Controls — General Information
Controls — General Information
Vehicles without air conditioning (AC) have a traditional control with three rotary switches. The temperature and air distribution flaps are operated by two flexible...

Replacement of interior lights
Replacement of interior lights
Turn off the interior lights. Remove the interior light fuse (No. 36 under the instrument panel). Insert a pocket knife or thin screwdriver under the side of the glass...

Checking the door contact switch
Checking the door contact switch
The interior lighting is controlled by door contact switches in the doors. The switches are located in the door wedge locks of the B or C pillars. If there are any...

Replacement of trunk light
Replacement of trunk light
The boot light is controlled by a contact switch behind the rear lid trim. Carefully pry the flashlight housing out of the recess using a thin screwdriver. Replacement...

Dismantling the radio receiver
Dismantling the radio receiver
In the following description we take into account only the Ford radio program. When installing an additional radio receiver later, you should purchase a mounting kit...

Removing the speaker
Removing the speaker
Depending on trim and model variant, your Focus has two full-range speakers in the front door trims. Two more full-range speakers are installed in the rear doors (or in...

Removing the roof antenna
Removing the roof antenna
Factory-installed radios receive their information from the air via an antenna. Roof antennas are almost indestructible, provided they are not exposed to the brushes at...

Removing the seats
Removing the seats
It is not recommended to remove the front seats yourself. In the Focus, the driver and passenger next to the driver sit on so-called "Anti-Dive-Silzen" seats. The seats...

Checking seat belts
Checking seat belts
Seat belts perform a vital function. Therefore, after an accident, regardless of the apparent good external condition of the belts, they are unusable and therefore must...

Removing door trim
Removing door trim
On models with power windows, first disconnect the battery. On models without power windows, first raise the side window as far as it will go. Mark the position of the...

Removing the side window regulator (front)
Removing the side window regulator (front)
In the version with electric windows, first disconnect the battery. Side glass All models Remove the door trim as described above. Remove the side impact protection....

The electric window does not work
The electric window does not work
Defective switch: Remove the switch on the other side and reposition the multi-pin connector. With a working switch, you should now be able to close the window. No...

Central locking — general information
Central locking — general information
The central locking in your Focus opens and closes all the doors at the same time. To do this, small servomotors are installed in each door lock. Their signals "travel"...

Removing the door handle
Removing the door handle
It doesn't matter which door handles you are dismantling - front or rear - the stages of the work differ from each other insignificantly. We describe the work using the...

Removing the ignition lock drum
Removing the ignition lock drum
Disconnect the battery. Remove the trim at the feet. Remove the upper steering column trim. Loosen the clamps with a narrow screwdriver (one on each side). If present,...

Help with power window problems
Help with power window problems
Help with power window problems

Help with central locking problems
Help with central locking problems
Help with central locking problems

Belt tensioner and independent work
Belt tensioner and independent work
The front three-point seat belts are always equipped with a device for their tensioning. In a collision, the belts are suddenly tightened (ignited) within 10 ms, and...

Focus 2 
Focus Turnier 1 
Focus 1