Hidden consumers of electricity empty the battery


If a perfectly serviceable battery suddenly stops working, most often it was emptied by a hidden consumer of electricity in the on-board network. Carry out a voltage test. If necessary, then calculate the hidden current consumer.

Stages of work

Disconnect the negative battery cable, connect the multimeter wire between the negative pole and the battery cable. If the device shows current, proceed from the malfunction of some consumer.

Connect the ground wire, open the fuse box and remove the fuse. Connect a multimeter to the contacts. If there is no current flowing, the electrical circuit is in order. Weak current is also not an alarm. Devices such as on-board computers, clocks, radios and signaling equipment are always under battery voltage. They consume much less electricity than one defective current consumer.

Repeat measurements in the fuse box until the multimeter shows a higher current. Fuse table will show you which consumers belong to a given electrical circuit.

Disconnect all fuses one by one and measure the current each time. When the multimeter does not show current, it means that you have calculated the hidden consumer of electricity.

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