Identification of secret consumers of electricity


If a perfectly serviceable battery suddenly became «lethargic», then most often some «silent» the consumer sucks his «juice». Carry out a voltage test. Surround this anonymous consumer, if necessary.

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable, connect the multimeter wire between the negative pole and the battery cable. If the device shows the presence of current, it comes from a defective consumer.
  2. Connect the ground wire, open the fuse box and remove one fuse. If there is no current, the corresponding circuit is OK. A weak current is also not an alarm, devices such as an on-board computer, clock, radio and emergency systems are constantly under «eye» battery. Their current consumption is, of course, much less than that of a defective consumer.
  3. Repeat measurements using the fuse box until the multimeter indicates a high current. According to the fuse table (see Fuse and relay layout) see which consumers «sitting» on this electrical circuit.
  4. Disconnect the appropriate consumers in series and measure the voltage. When the multimeter does not show voltage, it will become clear which consumer is engaged «theft».

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