General information about the front suspension The front suspension includes: - МkPherson shock absorber struts with coil springs, which are installed between two support cups of the suspension; - double-acting...
Removing the wheel bearing To replace the wheel bearing, use various special punches and press dies, which in any case can be replaced with suitable auxiliary punches. Be sure to replace all...
Removing the steering knuckle First remove the front wheel drive shaft, for which (before placing the car on the jack) unscrew the drive shaft nut. Remove the steering knuckle as follows: - loosen...
Installing the steering knuckle Replacing the wheel bearing (or wheel hub flange) is described in Section 12.1. Install the steering knuckle in the following order: Fig. 193. Unclamping the clamping...
Removing and installing the left wishbone The processes for removing and installing different wishbones are not the same, so they are described separately for each wishbone. This work takes a lot of time, since...
Removing and installing the right wishbone The right wishbone can be removed without removing the subframe if, for example, only the wishbone rubber bushings need to be replaced. Remove the right wishbone as...
Removing and installing the anti-roll bar To replace the stabilizer, remove the subframe completely. This work, identical to the removal and installation of the left transverse arm, is described in the...
Removing and installing the shock absorber strut Removal of the shock absorber strut is only necessary for replacement of the shock absorber, upper thrust block or coil spring. The shock absorber strut can be removed...
Removing and installing front springs The front springs are assigned factory numbers, so when replacing them, only springs with the same factory markings must be installed. The coil spring can only be...
Wheel alignment The wheel alignment value must be within the range specified in the technical specification. Note that wheels can have either positive or negative wheel alignment, since...