Faults and repairs on the road car Ford Mondeo 1 and 2

Main types of danger during maintenance
Main types of danger during maintenance
To increase your caution, familiarize yourself with the main types of dangerous situations that may occur when servicing a vehicle. Scalding Do not remove the radiator...

If the engine does not start
If the engine does not start
If the engine does not start and the starter does not turn If your model has an automatic transmission, make sure the selector is in the "P" or "N" position. Open the...

Starting the engine from an auxiliary battery
Starting the engine from an auxiliary battery
When starting the engine from a booster battery, take the following precautions into account: Before connecting the booster battery, make sure the ignition is off. Make...

Wheel replacement
Wheel replacement
The procedure described here will vary slightly depending on the model of your vehicle. For example, the location of the spare tire and the location of the jack vary...

Car stains and stains
Car stains and stains
Stains on the garage floor, moisture under the hood or under the car are clear indications of a leak, the source of which must be identified. Sometimes this source is...

Towing a car
Towing a car
If you cannot find or fix the problem, use a tow truck to get you home or to the nearest repair shop. If you decide to do so, it is useful to know the following: For...

Mondeo 4 
Mondeo 3 
Mondeo 2 
Mondeo 1 and 2 
Mondeo 1