Removal and installation of a needle shaft (Ford carburetor)


Float needle valve

Needle valve malfunction usually occurs when it is contaminated due to the use of fuel with foreign particles or due to mechanical wear.


1. Disconnect the battery and remove the air filter.

2. Unscrew the 7 bolts securing the carburetor cover and remove it.

3. Press the float axle out of the mounting springs and lower the float into the carburetor body.

4. Remove the needle valve using fine-jawed pliers or tweezers.


1. Before installation, check the condition of the rubber tip of the needle valve and clean the valve seat.

2. Install, being careful, the float needle valve.

3. Connect the valve to the axle in the mounting springs.

4. Install a new carburetor gasket, carburetor cap and evenly tighten the carburetor cap.

5. Install the air filter and connect the battery.

6. Check idle speed and carbon monoxide content (SO).

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