Removal and installation of the Ford carburetor



1. Remove air filter.

2. Disconnect flexible pipes from the carburetor: fuel supply and heating (engine coolant liquid) automatic starter and close their openings with appropriate plugs.

3. Disconnect the solenoid valve electrical wire connector from the carburetor.

4. Disconnect the accelerator pedal cable from the throttle lever.

5. Unscrew the nuts securing the carburetor to the intake manifold and remove them together with the washers.

6. Remove the carburetor from the intake manifold and cover the intake manifold opening with a rag.


1. The steps for installing the carburetor are performed in the reverse order of the process of removing it.

2. After installing the carburetor, adjust the accelerator pedal cable, bleed the air from the cooling system and adjust the idle speed and CO content (mixture composition).

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