Automatic Launcher (Weber 2V TLD)


Weber 2V TLD carburetor start mechanism

1 - upper control valve link, 2 - fast idle cam return spring, 3 - bushing, 4 - lever axis, 5 - link, 6 - lever

1. Remove the ground wire from the battery and the air filter housing.

2. Remove the carburetor cover.

3. Mark the location of the alignment marks, unscrew the 3 screws securing the flange, remove the flange and the starter cover.

4. Remove shield ring.

5. Unscrew the three throttle body screws, taking into account that it may be necessary to disconnect the fast idle cam return spring in order to gain access to one of the screws; then disconnect the damper link from the control lever and remove the starting device.

6. Set throttle lever to full open position.

7. Move the trigger lever up until the air dampers are completely closed and release the throttle actuator lever.

8. Unscrew the three fastening screws, remove the cover of the vacuum diaphragm and remove the diaphragm.

9. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly.

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