Checking fluid in the air conditioning system


The check is carried out at engine and fluid temperatures from 18°C to 24°C.

1. Remove grille.

2. Start the engine and keep it running at idle speed.

3. Turn on the air conditioner and set the fan switch (indicated by an arrow) to position 3.

4. Through the sight glass, observe the condition of the liquid, which after 10 seconds of operation of the air conditioner should flow without bubbles. The presence of bubbles indicates a lack of fluid and low efficiency of the air conditioner. If immediately after turning on the air conditioner no air bubbles appear at all, this indicates too little liquid in the system. It is necessary to immediately turn off the air conditioner to prevent compressor failure and contact a service station to fill the system.

An air conditioner can lose up to 100 g of refrigerant during a year due to operating leaks, so it is necessary to top up the system periodically.

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