Checking the protective collars of the gear rack


The toothed rack protruding from the steering gear housing is protected by a rubber cuff on the left and right. Both cuffs must be dry. Replace wet cuffs immediately: infiltrating dirt or dampness in the shortest possible time will turn the lubricant in the steering mechanism into an abrasive paste that will disable the steering.

Stages of work

Light the pleated ridges with a flashlight.

Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and to the left and then stretch the pleat roll, fold by fold. Are cracks visible?

Tension bands 1 and 2 must be firmly attached to both cuffs.

The steering collars over the axle support are relatively well protected from external damage. Nevertheless «donate» them from time to time one glance with the mudguard dismantled and check the tension bands 1 and 2 for tightness.

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