Removal and installation of decorative overlays of a frame of glasses of a door


Attention! A rivet gun must be used to install the door glass frame trims.

1. Remove door seal.

Front door

2. Unscrew the nut securing the top trim and carefully separate the top trim from the door.

3. Detach the side trim from the window trough, then rotate it and remove it.

4. Remove the rear view mirror from the door.

5. Drill out the rivet securing the front corner trim. Remove cover.

6. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, it is necessary to use a new rivet.


7. Unscrew the screw securing the top trim to the front corner of the door.

8. Carefully pull the trim out of the door, separating the stud and bushing installed at the rear end.

9. Drill out the rivet securing the rear trim to the top of the door. Separate the flange of the rear trim from the door and window trough and, turning, remove the trim.

10. Remove the front trim, separating the seal from its rear part, and remove the trim from the door upwards.

11. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, it is necessary to use a new rivet.

Removal and installation of an overlay of lateral back glass

1. Open back door. Drill out the rivets securing the seal to the trim.

2. Drill out the rivet securing the trim to the top of the door and remove the top trim.

3. Open the tailgate. Drill out the bottom trim rivet and remove it from the clips.

4. Drill out the three rivets securing the side trim. Remove cover.

5. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, it is necessary to use new rivets.

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