Removal and installation of the ABS hydraulic unit accumulator


1. Remove the negative cable from the battery.

Attention! Relieve pressure in the hydraulic accumulator of the brake system. To do this, turn off the ignition and press the brake pedal all the way (about 20 times), until she becomes "solid".

2. Lay a rag near the base of the accumulator of the hydraulic unit to collect spilled brake fluid.

3. Unscrew the battery using a socket wrench and remove the battery (the arrow indicates the O-ring that needs to be replaced).

4. Install a new O-ring and install and secure the battery.

5. Connect the battery and turn on the ignition. The hydraulic assembly pump should start and stop within 60 seconds, otherwise the hydraulic assembly accumulator should be troubleshooted.

6. Remove air from the brake system.

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