Check of system of release of the fulfilled gases


The exhaust system does not require special maintenance. It is enough to periodically check the reliability of the tightening of the threaded connections and the integrity of the suspension pads. In case of damage, through corrosion or burnout, the system elements are replaced as an assembly.

Note. If there is an increased noise level from the exhaust system, check its tightness. To do this, start the engine and inspect the entire system. By running your hand over the places of a possible leak, without touching the nodes, you will immediately feel the leakage of gases. If necessary, replace rusted and burnt parts.

Attention! Allow the exhaust system to cool before repairing, as the exhaust system becomes very hot when the engine is running.

Warning! Exhaust gases are poisonous, their poisoning occurs imperceptibly, so be sure to open the gate before starting the engine in the garage!

Note. If it is impossible to replace the defective unit with a new one, you can temporarily restore its performance by applying a metal patch to the damaged area and securing it with clamps or wire. It is recommended to place a sheet of asbestos under the patch.

Note. Auto parts stores sell special kits for rebuilding exhaust system components, with which you can temporarily repair damage to the system in order to get to a car service or garage.

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