Checking the level and adding fluid to the washer reservoir


You will need: in summer - a concentrate of a special fluid for the washer reservoir, diluted with clean water; in winter - non-freezing liquid.

Note. Use a reputable brand antifreeze that does not contain hazardous methanol.

Note. When the ambient temperature rises, do not dilute the antifreeze to save money. In addition to an increase in the freezing point, a diluted liquid has a sharp deterioration in detergent properties.

Attention! The manufacturer does not recommend the use of ordinary water to fill the washer reservoir.

Attention! Freezing of the fluid in the washer reservoir will destroy it.

The washer fluid reservoir is located on the left front of the engine compartment next to the battery.

1. To refill, open the reservoir..

2.... add liquid to it up to the lower edge of the neck..

3.... and close the windshield washer reservoir.

4. If the washer jet is clogged, clean it with a sewing needle. It can also be used to adjust the direction of the washer fluid jet.

Note. The tailgate glass washer jet is unregulated.

Attention! Use only non-hardened needles or pins to clean and adjust the jet. The broken tip of the hardened needle cannot be removed from the jet hole.

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