Replacing the dust filter of the ventilation system


Every 32,000 km or every 2 years.

1. The air entering the vehicle ventilation system passes through the air filter (made of paper with very fine folds), which traps dust and other foreign particles contained in the air. The filter must be replaced regularly to ensure efficient operation.

2. Remove the wiper arms located on the windshield on the left (ch. 12).

3. Remove the facing caps, and then unscrew the two screws securing the grille panel from the side of the windshield. Open the hood and remove the other three mounting screws (see fig. 23.3, a, b).

4. Peel back the rubber seal and pull out the grille panel, unfastening it from the top of the wing (see fig. 23.4, a, b).

5. Release the latch on each side of the dust filter housing and pull out the housing, and then remove the filter itself from it (see fig. 23.5, a, b).

6. Wipe the air intake duct of the ventilation system and the filter housing, removing leaves, insects, etc., so as not to damage the radiator fins.

7. If a scheduled maintenance procedure is performed, the filter must be replaced regardless of its condition. If you control the filter for any reason, inspect its front surface. If it is damp, replace the element. If the filter is only slightly dusty, it can be used again after blowing with compressed air from the back to the front. Since the filter is made of folded paper, it cannot be washed or lubricated. If the filter cannot be cleaned with compressed air, replace it.

Warning: Protect your eyes when working with compressed air!

8. Installation - in the reverse order of removal. In this case, it is necessary to ensure a secure fit of the housing and filter in place so that unfiltered air cannot enter the passenger compartment.

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