Exhaust system check


The exhaust system is firmly screwed to the exhaust manifold. On the bottom of the car, it is freely suspended on rubber loops.

Check rubber jumper loops (arrow) for brittleness, cracks, or other damage, and replace if necessary. To check, vigorously move the rubber loops in different directions.

Rubber suspension for intermediate muffler

Check the tightness of the screw connections on the manifold flange.

Start the engine and cover the end muffler with a rag in your hand. After a short time, the engine should turn off. If you hear a hissing sound or the engine continues to run, the system is leaking.

Loud sounds of combustion of the working mixture and pops in the forced idle mode most often indicate a defective muffler.

Thoroughly tap the muffler and pipes with light hammer blows from all sides. Do not forget also about the end sides and knock without hesitation. Blows on healthy metal sound loudly, you will recognize dilapidated metal by a dull sound.

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