Upper console — removal and installation



All cars

1. Disconnect a wire of weight from the accumulator. See Section 414-01 for more information.

2. Using a suitable screwdriver, disconnect the interior lighting lamp from the overhead console.

3. Disconnect electric sockets and remove a lamp of illumination of salon.

Vehicles with a mechanical sunroof.

4. Remove the sunroof adjustment knob.

5. Remove the overhead console.

Vehicles with electric sunroof

CAUTION: To avoid damage, the overhead console trim panel may only be pulled down the distance necessary to disengage the mounting clips.

Detach the overhead console trim panel from the overhead console.
  • 1. Using a suitable screwdriver, disconnect the front mounting clips.
  • 2. Pull the overhead console trim panel down to release the side mounting clips.
  • 3. Push the overhead console trim panel forward to disengage the rear mounting clips.

7. Remove the overhead console trim panel.
  • Disconnect the sunroof power control switch electrical clamp.

8. Disconnect the overhead console from the roof panel.

  • Turn out screws of fastening.

9. Remove the overhead console.
  • 1. Disconnect the front mounting clips.
  • 2. Disconnect the side mounting clips.
  • 3. Push the overhead console forward to disengage the rear mounting clips.


NOTE: Make sure the overhead console attachment panel, which attaches to the top surface of the headlining, is properly installed.

Reinstall the elements in reverse order.

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