Fan motor — removal and installation



1. Disconnect ground wire from battery.

2. Remove the sealing rubber of the air chamber under the front panel.

3. Unscrew and remove the fan cover in the engine compartment.

4. Disconnect the electrical wires from the fan motor (multi-pin connector near the fan) and ground wire from the body.

5. Unscrew the two mounting bolts and remove the fan.

6. Remove the covers from the fan after lifting the safety clips and releasing the plastic fastener.

7. Remove the mounting yoke with resistor.

8. Disconnect the connector from the fan motor and remove the fan motor with impeller from the housing.


1. Install a fan motor with an impeller, a resistor with a yoke into the housing and connect the electrical wires to the motor.

2. Fold both halves of the case and snap the clasp.

3. Install the fan in the body and tighten the nuts of its fastening.

4. Connect electrical wire connectors.

5. Screw on the fan shroud and insert the air chamber sealing rubber.

6. Connect ground wire to battery.

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