Removal and installation of a cable of a cowl


If the cable breaks, the hood lock can be opened from under the car using a long screwdriver.

1.For better access, raise the front of the vehicle.

2. Unscrew the 2 screws and remove the lower trim casing of the steering column.

3. Disconnect cable (indicated by an arrow) from the hood opening lever, for which purpose remove its shell from the bracket and unhook the cable from the lever.

4. Pull the cable into the engine compartment.

5. Remove the cable from the side mounts in the engine compartment.

6. Unscrew the bolts securing the hood latch and remove the latch.

7. Disconnect cable (1) and cable sheath (2) from the hood latch and remove the cable.

8. The hood opening cable is installed in the reverse order of removal.

9. Before closing the hood, check that the hood release lever fully opens the hood latch.

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