Removal and installation of the left cover of a head of the block of cylinders


Remove the left cover in the following order:

- disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery in compliance with all safety precautions (see sect. 1);

- Remove the top part of an inlet collector as it will be described below;

Pic. 311. Fixing the intake manifold control unit

- remove the control unit (pic. 311, arrows on the left) and disconnect the wire on the right side (disconnection points are indicated by arrows on the right);

Pic. 312. Spark plug connectors (bottom arrows) and injection harness (left arrows)

- disconnect the high voltage wire connectors from the spark plugs (pic. 312). Press the injection harness on the engine mount;

- Release the coolant hose and cable harness from the cylinder head cover. At the same time, release the hose from the clamping clamp, remove the clamp from the pin screw in the left cover and release the cable harness from the three clamps;

- Turn away a cover of a head of the block of cylinders. In this case, it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions. Grab the cover in the middle from the outside and then release it crosswise. Loosen the last two screws in the middle. Remove the cover along with the gasket.

Before installing, thoroughly clean the separating surfaces, apply a little sealant to the four corners of the cylinder head (a droplet with a diameter of about 8 mm). Install the lid with gasket for 4 minutes.

Tighten all screws to 10 Nm. Tighten both screws in the middle first. Wrap other screws crosswise. Perform all other steps in reverse order.

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