Tailgate Wiper Motor Assembly



1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

2. Remove the wiper arm (paragraph 15).

3. Remove the panel of internal facing of a door of a back. To do this, remove the fixing screws.

4. Release the electrical connector from the retainer and disconnect it (see fig. 17.4).

5. Disconnect the ground wire of the wiper motor.

6. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the electric motor from the inside of a door (see fig. 17.6, a, b).

7. Turn out bolts and remove a basic plate. If necessary, remove the rubber mounts and replace them (see fig. 17.7, a, b).


8. Installation - in the reverse order of removal. Tighten the motor bolts to the required torque. The adjustable bolt torque for an old engine is less than the bolt torque for a new engine. Before installing the engine arm, make sure that the engine is in its original position.

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