Replacement of an additional brake light


On cars with hatchback and station wagon bodies replacement of an additional stoplight carry out in a following order.

You will need a TORX T25 key.

1. Disconnect the wire from the terminal «minus» battery.

2. Turn out two screws of fastening..

3.... remove the brake light..

4.... take the wire out of the holder..

5.... squeeze the clamp, disconnect the wiring harness block and remove the brake light.

6. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

On sedan vehicles replacement of an additional stoplight carry out in a following order.

1. Remove the trim of the secondary brake light by pulling it down on the edge on the side of the rear window glass.

2. Squeeze the latch and disconnect the wiring harness block.

3. Compress clamps and remove a cover of a lantern of an additional brake light in gathering with cartridges of lamps.

4. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

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