Gear shift adjustment


If the gears in your Mondeo are engaged or incorrect «have a snack», it is not necessary to get inside the gearbox - sometimes «plays pranks» rocker or switch rods. Sometimes it is also clamped directly in the gearbox «only» transfer lever. While the external factors of such «trouble», a knowledgeable car enthusiast, based on his experience, only with great luck and even more patience will put everything in order again. In order to properly align the two cable ties - the selector rod is white and the control rod is black - a special tool is naturally required (Ford 16-097). Ford service workers install it on the side of the neck of the gearbox cover. Previously, it was necessary to set the shift lever to neutral and park the Mondeo on a lift platform. If your car does «clamped» transmission, then critically «weigh» your talent - perhaps such malfunctions are best repaired in Ford workshops.

In the absence of a special tool, luck and perseverance are required: adjusting the shift rods.

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