Replacing spark plugs and checking electrical components


As a special tool, you need: 16 mm spark plug wrench, which can be bought from specialist dealers.

You need to buy the following spare parts: Four spark plugs. Proper spark plugs see point 4.7.


Disconnect all of the spark plug wire leads, while grasping the tip, not the wire.

If possible, blow out the niches of the spark plugs with compressed air so that dirt does not get into the threaded hole when the spark plugs are removed.

Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench.

Attention! In this case, the engine must be cooled to room temperature, otherwise the thread in the cylinder head may be damaged when unscrewing.

If the spark plug looks oily, this is a sign that it is misfiring or the piston rings are not sealing well (check compression).

Check spark plug insulators for leakage currents. A sign of leakage currents are thin, uneven traces on the surface of the insulation. If necessary, replace leaking spark plug tips.


Check the gap between the electrodes -2- using templates. Nominal value: 1.3 mm. In new spark plugs, the gap between the electrodes is usually set properly, see point 4.6.

To adjust the distance between the contacts, bend the electrode "masses" -1-. To do this, there is a simple practical tool -3-, if this is not available, tap on the side of the electrode "masses". When bending, lean with a small screwdriver on the edge of the thread of the candle and in no case on the central electrode, otherwise the candle will be damaged.

Screw in the spark plugs by hand until they touch the cylinder head.

Attention! At the same time, try not to distort the candles.

Tighten the spark plugs to 20 Nm.

Attention! If a torque wrench is not available, tighten the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench to about 90' (1/4 turn). For used spark plugs, tighten only 15°. Spark plugs that are over-tightened may break the threads when they are removed or the threads in the cylinder head may be damaged. In this case, repair the spark plug threads with UTC or Hell-Coil inserts.

Install the spark plug tips according to the ignition sequence 1-3-4-2

Check the tightness of the installation of the tips of the spark plugs, moving them in one direction and another. Also check the tightness of the ignition wires.

Checking electrical connectors

Check all electrical connectors on the ignition coils for tightness. Replace broken terminals.

Contacts must not be wet, otherwise clean and spray with contact spray.

Bend the ignition wires and check for cracks. Replace all wires if necessary.

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