Pouring water into the washer


  1. During the summer, you should constantly replenish the supply of water for the windscreen washer. Adding a proportion of cleaning agent significantly increases the washing effect. In winter, in addition to this, an additional anti-icing agent is added to the aqueous solution or a ready-made «windshield wiper» mixture.
  2. In order to create a homogeneous mixture in the windshield washer tank, first pour additional agents, and only then pour the solution up to the ventilation hole.
  3. At negative temperatures, the windshield washer may freeze. That's why «stuff» your tank in the cold season is always about a third of the antifreeze (e.g. denatured alcohol) or «ready» cleaning solution. In order to protect also wires and nozzles in serious situations, after the filling process, «pump» windshield washer until the mixture appears on the windows and smells.

    With fill indicator: locking cap for the washer fluid reservoir.

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