Water pump check


1. Failure of the water pump can cause overheating and serious damage to the engine, because if the pump is not working, the coolant cannot pass through the engine.

2. There are two ways to check the performance of the pump installed on the engine. If the test shows a pump malfunction, replace it with a new one or sort it out.

3. On the underside of the water pump housing, there is "drainage" hole. In the event of a seal failure, coolant will flow through this hole. To see it, you need to look at the water pump from below, so jack up the car and place it securely on jack stands. Use a flashlight to locate a pump leak.

4. When the water pump shaft bearings fail, they usually make a whistling sound. Shaft wear, leading to the destruction of bearings, can be defined as follows: move it up and down while holding on to the pulley. If a strong play is felt, then the shaft and / or bearing are worn out and the pump must be changed.

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