Water pump replacement


Pic. 5.59. The water pump of the Duratec Ti-VCT engine with a volume of 1.6 l: A - the tension roller of the timing belt; B - water pump; B - bolts for fastening the water pump to the engine block.

Remove the pump for repair or replacement if more than normal noise occurs during operation due to large pump shaft radial play or coolant leakage from the pump shaft seal.

Dismantling the pump is quite laborious, therefore, in the event of a malfunction, we recommend replacing the pump assembly.

To replace the 1.6L Duratec Ti-VCT engine water pump, follow these steps.

You will need: 8 socket, flat blade screwdriver, and all the tools needed to remove the accessory drive belt (refer to Inspection and Replacement of the Accessory Drive Belt) and the timing belt drive (refer to Inspection and replacement of the timing belt for the 1.6L duratec ti-vct engine).

1. Drain the liquid from the engine cooling system (see Coolant Change).

2. Remove the accessory drive belt (refer to Inspection and Replacement of the Accessory Drive Belt).

3. Remove the timing belt (refer to Inspection and replacement of the timing belt for the 1.6L duratec ti-vct engine).

WARNING: After removing the timing belt, do not turn the crankshaft and camshafts, as the valves may be damaged by the pistons.

NOTE: It is only necessary to remove the timing belt on vehicles manufactured since April 2005, since the engines of these vehicles have a belt tensioner mounted on the water pump housing. On cars produced before April 2005, the tensioner roller is installed on the engine block and belt removal is not required when replacing the water pump.

4. Remove six bolts B (pic. 5.59) fastening the water pump B to the engine block, pry off the water pump housing with a screwdriver and remove the pump together with the tension roller A of the timing belt.

NOTE: The timing belt tensioner is secured to the water pump housing with bolt B.

5. Remove the gasket installed between the water pump housing and the engine block.

WARNING: Be sure to replace the water pump housing seal with a new one every time it is removed, regardless of its condition.

6. If the new water pump does not have a timing belt tensioner pulley, remove bolt B securing the pulley to the pump housing and install the pulley on the new pump. Bolt of fastening of a roller tighten the moment of 28 Nm (2.8 kgf·m).

7. Install the water pump in the reverse order of removal. Tighten the pump mounting bolts evenly crosswise with a torque of 10 Nm (1 kgf cm).

USEFUL ADVICE: Lubricate the sealing gasket of the water pump housing on both sides with a thin layer of sealant.

8. Install the timing belt and adjust its tension (refer to Inspection and replacement of the timing belt for the 1.6L duratec ti-vct engine).

9. Install the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal.

WARNING: Replace the accessory drive belt with a new one as it cannot be reused once removed.

10. Fill in coolant and remove air pockets from the cooling system (see Coolant Change).

To replace the 2.0/2.3L Duratec-HE engine water pump, follow these steps.

You will need: 8 socket, flat blade screwdriver, and all the tools needed to remove the accessory drive belt (refer to Inspection and Replacement of the Accessory Drive Belt) and timing chains (refer to Duratec-he 2.0L and 2.3L Timing Chain Replacement).

1. Drain the liquid from the engine cooling system (see Changing the Coolant).

2. Remove the accessory drive belt (refer to Inspection and Replacement of the Accessory Drive Belt).

3. Turn out three bolts of fastening of a pulley of the water pump …

4….and remove the pulley.

5. Turn out bolts of fastening of the water pump …

6….and remove the pump.

7. Remove the gasket installed between the water pump housing and the engine block.

WARNING: Be sure to replace the water pump housing seal with a new one every time it is removed, regardless of its condition.

8. Install the water pump in the reverse order of removal. Tighten the pump mounting bolts evenly crosswise with a torque of 10 Nm (1.0 kgf·m).

USEFUL ADVICE: Lubricate the sealing gasket of the water pump housing on both sides with a thin layer of sealant.

9. Install the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal.

WARNING: Replace the accessory and A/C compressor drive belts with new ones as they cannot be reused once removed.

10. Fill in coolant and remove air pockets from the cooling system (see Coolant Change).

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