Tire pressure check


Air pressure should only be measured with cold tires. While driving, the tire heats up, the pressure in it increases. Therefore, an incorrect value may be obtained during the measurement if the measurement is taken immediately after the exit from the motorway. Check your tire pressure regularly, every three to four weeks. In branded tires, a monthly pressure loss of 1.5% is normal. If more air comes out of the tire, it should be carefully examined. The tire valves must always be closed with safety caps. If dirt gets into the valve, it may become jammed and not close tightly. The tire pressure must never fall below a certain minimum value. The sticker on your car will tell you how much pressure your tires should have. The pressure increased by 0.1–0.2 MPa has a positive effect: steering is more responsive, tires last longer and fuel consumption is slightly reduced. Disadvantage: the car behaves more «hard» on the road than at normal pressure. This tire condition is best suited for long motorway driving.

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