Starter check (on a car)


If the starter shaft does not rotate or rotates too slowly, check the battery charge level and wire connections. Turn on the starter with the lights fully on. If the illumination is significantly reduced, the battery may be discharged or may be defective.

If the illumination does not change, and the starter shaft does not rotate, then there is a break in the starter wire or a defect in the starter itself.

Since the retractable electromagnetic switch is not disassembled, you can only check its circuit using a 12 V test lamp. Connect one end of the lamp wire to the starter wire terminal, and the other to the current-connecting bus terminal. Now turn on the starter.

If the control lamp does not burn brightly, that is, there is a break - replace the solenoid switch. The cause of the malfunction may not necessarily be the starter. It can be a battery, wiring, connection to «mass» or even the ignition system. Poorly connected wire to the battery «mass» sometimes causes poor starter performance.

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