Breaker contact gap adjustment (10,000 km/12 months)


Bosch Ignition Distributor Components

A - electrical connector;
B - screw for fastening the contact group of the breaker

Lucas Ignition Distributor Components

A - movable and fixed contacts;
B - screw for fastening the contact group of the breaker

1. Release the spring clips or unscrew the screws and remove the ignition distributor cover.

2. Remove the distributor rotor from the shaft.

3. Using the blade of a thin screwdriver, clean the breaker contacts.

4. Check the status of the contacts. If there is a rough surface, signs of severe corrosion or contamination, it is necessary to replace the contacts.

5. If the breaker contacts are in a satisfactory condition or they were replaced, it is necessary to adjust the gap between the contacts.

6. When adjusting the gap using a feeler blade, it is necessary to turn the engine crankshaft by the pulley mounting bolt to such a position that the lower movable part of the contact is on the ledge of one of the shaft cams.

7. In this position, use the feeler blade to measure the gap A between the contacts of the breaker (on the left - the gap between the contacts of the breaker on the Bosch ignition distributor, on the right - the gap between the contacts of the breaker on the Lucas ignition distributor).

8. To adjust the gap, loosen the screw and, moving the contact group, set the required gap (see fig. Bosch ignition distributor components and fig. Lucas Ignition Distributor Components), then tighten the screw and re-check the clearance.

9. Install the rotor and distributor cap.

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