Checking the power supply system


1. If something has happened to the power supply circuit, check the following connections:

A) the contact points of the battery wires with the battery - make sure they are stripped and fit snugly.

b) the density of the electrolyte in the battery. If it is low, you need to charge the battery.

V) check the external wires and connections of the generator.

G) inspect the drive belt, check its tension (see chapter 1).

d) check the tightness of the alternator mounting bolts.

e) start the engine, check that the generator does not make noise.

2. Using a voltmeter, check the battery voltage with the engine off. It should be about 12 volts.

3. Start the engine and measure the battery voltage again. Now it should be 14-15 volts.

4. If the voltage values obtained during the measurements are greater or less than those specified in the specification, replace the voltage regulator. If replacing the voltage regulator did not help, then most likely the whole thing is in the generator.

5. Since special equipment is required to test and service the generator, this procedure is beyond the scope of this publication. Generator maintenance is reduced to checking the contacts and checking and replacing the brushes.

6. Ammeter (ALT) or the alternator warning light on the dashboard shows whether there is a charge or not - the current goes to or from the battery. With the electrical equipment on and the engine idling, the ammeter may show no charge. At high idle or normal driving speeds, the ammeter needle should remain on the side of the scale indicating the presence of charge in the battery.

7. If the ammeter does not show the presence of a charge, or the generator light (if available) stays on, there is a problem with the system. Before checking the brushes or replacing the generator, check the condition of the battery itself, the tension of the belts, the contacts of the electrical wires.

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