Removal and installation of a steering wheel


Access to steering wheel nut


1. Set wheels to drive straight ahead.

2. To access the steering wheel nut, depending on the specific model, either remove the decorative trim from the steering wheel or the horn button (see fig. Access to steering wheel nut).

3. Insert the key into the ignition switch and turn it to the "I".

4. Unscrew the steering wheel mounting nut and knock the steering wheel off the shaft with hand blows.

5. Remove the steering wheel along with the cam that returns the turn switch to the neutral position.


1. Install the turn switch return cam with the tab up.

2. Place the steering wheel against the shaft and ensure that the cam protrusion fits into the steering wheel groove.

3. Install the steering wheel on the shaft and secure with a nut.

4. Install the trim or horn button on the steering wheel.

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