Removal and installation of the pressure control valve


Raise the car, but in such a way that the wheels remain in contact with the floor.

Take out a spare wheel and its fastening.

Disconnect the pressure control valve linkage from the rear axle (pic. 6.17).

Unscrew the valve bracket from the body cross member (pic. 6.18).

Carefully lower the adjustment valve.

Unscrew hard brake pipes. and close their openings immediately.

Unscrew the bracket from the adjustment valve.

The pressure control valve is installed in the following order:

Screw the adjustment valve to the bracket.

Screw on the tubes, making sure the connection is tight.

Attach the valve bracket to the chassis.

Connect the tie rods to the rear axle beam.

Adjust valve. The adjustment is made using the template shown in Fig. 6.19. If necessary, such a template can be made according to this drawing.

The fuel tank must be filled to half capacity.

All vehicle equipment, including the spare wheel and tools, must be in their designated areas.

There must be no other load in the car.

Loosen the actuating lever as shown in fig. 6.20.

Insert the template into the bracket (pic. 6.21). Make sure that the actuating lever and rod are in the end position.

Tighten the lever mounting bolt.

Take out the template.

Adjust the valve on the other side of the car in the same way.

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