Checking the door contact switch


Pic. 16.12. The location of the door contact switch, which includes interior lighting lamps

The interior lighting lamps are switched on by the contact switches of the front doors. Both contact switches are installed in the middle zone of the A-pillars and are partially covered by door seals (pic. 16.12).


1. With the switch installed, pull out the contact pin with a strong movement, while the other doors must be closed.

2. If after that the lighting turns on, it means that the oxidized contacts of the door switch do not close the electrical circuit.

3. Remove the fuse that protects the interior lighting circuit (No. 4 under the dashboard). Loosen the screw on the switch (Phillips screwdriver) and pull the door contact switch out of the rack. Clean the contact surfaces and apply an aerosol contact lubricant to their surface.

4. If the contact pin is deformed or difficult to move in the guides, replace the switch.

5. When disconnecting the electrical connector, make sure that the power cord does not fall into the door post.

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