Removal and installation of throttle connection elements


Note: The installation of the cables in your vehicle may differ slightly from those shown in these illustrations. In this case, refer to the cable layout shown in the other figures in this section.

1. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery, if necessary, remove the connecting sleeve of the air cleaner (see section 8).

2. Disconnect the plug-in nylon cable grommet from the gas pedal lever (see picture).

3. Detach the cable shroud from the firewall by squeezing the two tabs together and pushing them out from the passenger compartment.

4. Disconnect the cable from the valve cover retainer.

5. If there is a mileage control cable, disconnect it from the gas pedal wire.

6. If there is a snow shield, remove it as well (see picture).

7. To separate the wire from the throttle lever, insert a screwdriver between them and turn it (see picture).

8. Remove the screw securing the cable shroud to the motor support bracket (see drawing), pull the cable out of the bracket groove.

9. Installation is carried out in the reverse order.

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