Replacing the sealing ring of the speedometer drive mechanism


1. Clean the top of the speedometer stopper.

2. Unscrew the lock bolt.

3. Gently pull the cable to remove the speedometer stopper and driven gear from the hole.

4. Insert a small screwdriver into the end of the retaining clip and disconnect the speedometer gear from the cable (see picture).

5. Using a screwdriver, remove the O-ring from the retainer groove (see picture).

6. Where there is a small o-ring on the driven gear housing, remove it.

7. Replace O-rings with new ones.

8. Lightly lubricate the O-rings with transmission oil.

9. Insert the driven gear into the gearbox hole, install the lock bolt. Tighten the bolt to the specified tightening torque.

10. Install the speedometer cable into the retainer, secure it with a clip.

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